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Dati Giornalieri Maggio 27, 2024 Unità:  Entrambe    Inglese   Metrica
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Temperatura: &q;source&q;:&q;National Weather Service&q; °F /  -17.8 °C &q;moonsetTimeUtc&q;:[1720112203 °F /  -17.8 °C 0 °F /  -17.8 °C
Punto di Rugiada: 1720202112 °F /  955667822.2 °C &q;disclaimer&q;:null °F /  -17.8 °C 860101056 °F /  477833902.2 °C
Umidità: &q;endTimeLocalTimeZone&q;:&q;EDT&q;% &q;More clouds than sun. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the mid 70s.&q;% 0%
Vento-Velocità: 1720559607]mph /  2768896575.5km/h - 860279803.5mph /  1384448287.8km/h
Vento-Raffica: &q;narrative&q;:[&q;Cloudy. Lows overnight in the mid 70s.&q;mph /  0km/h - -
Vento-Direzione- - Nord
Pressione: 1720291840 in /  58249081702.4 hPa &q;issueTimeLocal&q;:&q;2024-07-04T15:20:00-04:00&q; in /  0 hPa -
Precipitazioni: &q;Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 70s and lows in the low 70s.&q;] in /  0 mm    
Historical Graphs
Dati Riepilogativi per Maggio 27, 2024
Ora Temperatura Punto di Rugiada Pressione Vento-Direzione Vento-Velocità Vento-Raffica Umidità Intensità Pioggia Caduta (Oraria) Radiazione Solare Condizioni
8:00 &q;source&q;:&q;National Weather Service&q; °F /  -17.8 °C &q;disclaimer&q;:null °F /  -17.8 °C &q;issueTimeLocal&q;:&q;2024-07-04T15:20:00-04:00&q;in /  0hPa Calm     &q;endTimeLocalTimeZone&q;:&q;EDT&q;% &q;endTimeUTC&q;:1720310400in /  0mm &q;city&q;:&q;New York City&q; W/m2 &q;displayRank&q;:223}]}
:13:2 &q;moonsetTimeUtc&q;:[1720112203 °F /  -17.8 °C 1720202112 °F /  955667822.2 °C 1720291840in /  58249081702.4hPa 1720381356 1720559607]mph /  2768896575.5km/h   &q;More clouds than sun. Highs in the upper 70s and lows in the mid 70s.&q;% &q;Mix of sun and clouds. Highs in the mid 70s with temperatures nearly steady overnight.&q;in /  0mm &q;qpf&q;:[0 W/m2 &q;Mostly cloudy. Highs in the mid 70s with temperatures nearly steady overnight.&q;
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